The new incarnation of Doctor Who heads into it's second series buoyed by massive ratings and critical plaudits. Having
given ITV's Celebrity Wrestling the drubbing it thoroughly deserved, Doctor Who, is once again, the jewel in the BBC's Saturday
night crown. Fans of the series have reason to be confident as it's recomissioned for a second series and a Christmas Special
- except nothing is ever that simple. With the shock announcement of Christopher Eccleston's resignation - the BBC having
let the cat out of the bag early, thus spoiling the end of season cliff hanger - flavour of the month David Tennant has stepped
into the Doctor's shoes. Only time will tell if they fit perfectly... While Tennant is certainly a good choice for the
role, there's no doubting that he doesn't have the name recognition of Eccleston - though on the plus side, he's more likely
to stick around for a number of years in the role. An enthusiastic Doctor Who fan, Tennant has already appeared in several
of Big Finsh's spin off audio plays and should bring some interesting qualities to the role. Russell T Davies' Casanova showcased
Tennant's talents for drama and comedy, but the acid test will be his on screen chemistry with Billie Piper.