Takin' Over The Asylum actor David Tennant has bounced back after missing the chance to star with Jim Carrey in the Hollywood
version of the BBC Scotland series.
Now he's taken the lead role in a new Hollywood movie ... with Johnny Depp as
a co-star.
Bathgate-born David played chronically depressed Campbell Bain in Takin' Over The Asylum which also starred
Ken Stott and Angus MacFadyen.
Now Hollywood have picked up the dark comedy and Pet Detective star Carrey will play
Ken's role of DJ Eddie for a whopping $20 million fee.
In the Scottish version Ken played a double glazing salesman
who discovers a defunct radio station in a small-town mental institution.
And David played an inmate and would-be
But he lost the chance to hit the big time when film bosses decided his character should be black.
27, said: "I would have done the role again like a shot - but a black kid from the ghetto sort of rules me out.
was brilliant - but I don't know how Jim Carrey will play the role. Maybe he has a serious actor in him.
"I just hope
that Hollywood do the story justice. If they do it could be a fantastic movie."
David's own break into the Hollywood
big time is in the film Los Angeles Without A Map, based on a true story. David plays a character called McTavish, who
has just inherited his dad's Bradford undertaker business.
But, when he meets an American girl, played by newcomer
Vinessa Shaw, he decides to track her down in her home town of LA. Johnny Depp plays his Guardian Angel in the film, which
also has Full Monty actor Steve Huison.
Johnny was a bit of a real-life guardian angel to David, offering some great
advice on acting.
He even invited him as guest of honour at the notorious Viper Room, which he owns.
said: "It was Hogmanay, Run-DMC were playing in this club, which holds only 150 people.
"The security was fierce and
the bouncer couldn't find my name amongst this sheet of around 20 bits of paper.
"He was telling me I wasn't on it
and I was praying that Johnny had put me on the list - it would have been so embarrassing as there was this massive queue
of people, all trying to get in.
"But eventually the guy found it and I ended up rubbing shoulders with Hollywood
for a night. It was fantastic." David adds: "It was quite intimidating working with Johnny.
"But he immediately
put me at ease."
"So much so that I ended up doing these scenes with one of the biggest stars in the world and not
really realising it.
"We got on very well."
Los Angeles Without A Map will be released later this year.